IoT 软件平台 | 设备管理? | 集成 | 安全 | 数据收集协议 | 分析 | 支持可视化? | 数据库 | Kaa IoT Platform | Yes | Portable SDK available to integate any particular platfrom, REST API | Link Encryption (SSL), RSA key 2048 bits, AES key 256 bits | MQTT, CoAP, XMPP, TCP, HTTP | 通过Kaa,Apache Cassandra和Apache Zappelin进行实时物联网数据分析和可视化 | Yes | MongoDB, Cassandra, Hadoop, Oracle NoSQL | SiteWhere | Yes | REST API, Mule AnyPoint, and more | Link Encryption (SSL), Spring Security | MQTT, AMQP, Stomp, WebSockets, and direct socket connections | Real-time analytics (Apache Spark) | No | MongoDB, HBase , InfluxDB | ThingSpeak | No | REST and MQTT APIs | Basic Authentication | HTTP | MATLAB Analytics | No | MySQL | DeviceHive | *Unknown | REST AP, MQTT APIs | Basic Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) | REST API, WebSockets or MQTT | Real-time analytics (Apache Spark) | Yes | PostgreSQL ,SAP Hana DB | Zetta | No | REST APIs | Basic Authentication | HTTP | Using Splunk | No | Unknown | Distributed Services Architecture (DSA) | NO | REST APIs | Basic Authentication | HTTP | No | No | ETSDB – Embedded Time Series | Thingsboard.io | Yes | REST APIs | Basic Authentication | MQTT, CoAP and HTTP | Real time analytics(Apache Spark, Kafka) | No | Cassandra | Thinger.io | Yes | REST APIs | Link Encryption (SSL/TLS) and basic authentication | MQTT, CoAP and HTTP | Yes | No | MongodB | WSo2 | Yes | REST APIs | Link Encryption (SSL) and basic authentication | HTTP, WSO2 ESB, MQTT | Yes, WSO2 Data Analytics Server | Yes | Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MS SQL |