这 logo 也有点像呀!哦哦!原来是基于 VSCode 源代码粗糙制作的定制开发工具。
还推出了 VSCode/VSCodium 中从未有过的“会员功能”,这很创新!
Vscode, have you collaborated with China? · Issue #191229 · microsoft/vscode (
请大家不要在这里发无关的issue了,这是对开发者的骚扰。我们在这里的issue已经给开发者造成了诸多麻烦,请大家不要再去提交issue了。我也很理解大家的心情,当初看到这玩意儿的时候我也是很震惊很不爽的,毕竟这玩意就加个vip套皮然后就宣称国产自研,你说这些不如信我是秦始皇。确实国产cec-ide很垃圾就是个套壳,丢国人的脸。但我们在这里乱提交issue不也是很丢脸的事情吗?这里是GitHub,不是QQ群或者贴吧垃圾场。Please everyone do not post irrelevant issues here, this is harassment of developers.Our issue here has caused a lot of trouble for developers, please do not submit issues here.I also understand everyone's mood, when I first saw this thing, I was very shocked and angry, too. This thing added a vip and then claimed that the domestic self-research, how ridiculous and absurd this is.It is true that cec-ide is a piece of shit. But isn't it impolite for us to bother developers here?This is GitHub, not a dump.
Chinese IDE (which is called "CEC-IDE") claimed that they developed a new IDE by themselves:I downloaded this software and installed it, and it looked so similar to vscode:I read the CEC-IDE official document, it seems to need paying to use.I have carefully read their relevant documents and reviewed their software, but I did not find any statement similar to "open source following the MIT license".
国产、自主研发 这些词都被你们玷污