稀疏镜像在 OpenHarmony 上的探索
稀疏镜像在 OpenHarmony 上的探索一、稀疏镜像升级背景常用系统镜像格式为原始镜像,即RAW格式。镜像体积比较大,在烧录固件或者升级固件时比较耗时,而且在移动设备升级过程时比较耗费流量。为此,将原始镜像用稀疏描述,可以大大的缩减镜像体积,省时省流量。
二、稀疏镜像原理1. 稀疏镜像概念
[*]原始镜像:即raw image,完整的ext4分区镜像,包含很多全零的无效填充区
[*]稀疏镜像:即sparse image,将raw ext4进行稀疏描述,因此尺寸比较小,制作目录有多少文件就计算多少,没有全零填充
2. 稀疏镜像格式
三、实现稀疏镜像升级方案1. 稀疏镜像烧录生成稀疏格式镜像,有2种方法可以生成稀疏镜像:修改文件build/ohos_var.gni中,sparse_image=true
编译命令增加--sparse-image字段,如./build.sh --product-name=xxx --sparse-image
2. 稀疏镜像OTA升级OTA升级的升级包采用稀疏镜像制作。
(3)适配updater组件中稀疏镜像功能增加写稀疏镜像分支.\base\update\updater\services\applypatch\data_writer.cpp写数据函数CreateDataWriter增加写稀疏镜像分支case WRITE_SPARSE:{std::unique_ptrwriter(std::make_unique(partitionName));return std::move(writer);} 增加稀疏镜像类声明.\base\update\updater\services\applypatch\raw_writer.h增加稀疏镜像类声明及相关变量定义typedef struct sparse_header{ uint32_t magic; /* 0xed26ff3a */ uint16_t major_version; /* (0x1) - reject images with higher major versions */ uint16_t minor_version; /* (0x0) - allow images with higer minor versions */ uint16_t file_hdr_sz; /* 28 bytes for first revision of the file format */ uint16_t chunk_hdr_sz; /* 12 bytes for first revision of the file format */ uint32_t blk_sz; /* block size in bytes, must be a multiple of 4 (4096) */ uint32_t total_blks; /* total blocks in the non-sparse output image */ uint32_t total_chunks; /* total chunks in the sparse input image */ uint32_t image_checksum; /* CRC32 checksum of the original data, counting "don't care" */ /* as 0. Standard 802.3 polynomial, use a Public Domain */ /* table implementation */} sparse_header_t;#define SPARSE_HEADER_MAGIC 0xed26ff3a #define CHUNK_TYPE_RAW 0xCAC1 #define CHUNK_TYPE_FILL 0xCAC2 #define CHUNK_TYPE_DONT_CARE 0xCAC3 #define CHUNK_TYPE_CRC32 0xCAC4typedef struct chunk_header{ uint16_t chunk_type; /* 0xCAC1 -> raw; 0xCAC2 -> fill; 0xCAC3 -> don't care */ uint16_t reserved1; uint32_t chunk_sz; /* in blocks in output image */ uint32_t total_sz; /* in bytes of chunk input file including chunk header and data */} chunk_header_t;class SparseWriter : public DataWriter{public: virtual bool Write(const uint8_t *addr, size_t len, WriteMode mode, const std::string &partitionName); explicit SparseWriter(const std::string partitionName) : offset_(0), fd_(-1), partitionName_(partitionName) {} virtual ~SparseWriter() { offset_ = 0; if (fd_ > 0) { fsync(fd_); close(fd_); } fd_ = -1; }
private: int WriteInternal(int fd, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, const std::string &partitionName); SparseWriter(const SparseWriter &) = delete; const SparseWriter &operator=(const SparseWriter &) = delete; off64_t offset_; int fd_; std::string partitionName_;};
增加稀疏镜像类实现.\base\update\updater\services\applypatch\raw_writer.cpp增加稀疏镜像类实现及相关变量定义,原有代码不变bool SparseWriter::Write(const uint8_t *addr, size_t len, WriteMode mode, const std::string &partitionName){if (addr == nullptr) { LOG(ERROR) << "SparseWriter: invalid address.";return false; }if (len == 0) { LOG(INFO) << "SparseWriter: write length is 0, skip.";return false; }if (fd_ < 0) { fd_ = OpenPartition(partitionName_);if (fd_ < 0) {return false; } }
UPDATER_CHECK_ONLY_RETURN(WriteInternal(fd_, addr, len, partitionName_) >= 0, return false);return true;}
int SparseWriter::WriteInternal(int fd, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, const std::string &partitionName){uint32_t written = 0;sparse_header_t *sparse_header;chunk_header_t *chunk_header;unsigned int chunk;void *membuf = NULL;uint32_t *fill_buf = NULL;uint32_t fill_val;uint32_t bytes_written = 0;uint32_t total_bytes = 0;uint32_t blk = 0;uint32_t chunk_data_sz = 0;uint32_t blkcnt = 0;uint32_t blks = 0;uint32_t total_blocks = 0;uint32_t addr_offset = 0;uint32_t fill_buf_num_blks = 0;
uint32_t block_size = 4096;uint32_t block_count = 524288;uint32_t i;uint32_t j;int ret = lseek64(fd, offset_, SEEK_SET); UPDATER_FILE_CHECK(ret != -1, "RawWriter: failed to seek file to " << offset_, return -1); fill_buf_num_blks = CONFIG_FASTBOOT_FLASH_FILLBUF_SIZE / block_size; LOG(INFO) << "WriteInternal offset_ " << offset_;/* Read and skip over sparse image header */ sparse_header = (sparse_header_t *)data; data += sparse_header->file_hdr_sz;if (sparse_header->file_hdr_sz > sizeof(sparse_header_t)) {/* * Skip the remaining bytes in a header that is longer than * we expected. */ data += (sparse_header->file_hdr_sz - sizeof(sparse_header_t)); } LOG(INFO) << "=== Sparse Image Header ==="; LOG(INFO) << "magic: "<< sparse_header->magic; LOG(INFO) << "major_version: " << sparse_header->major_version; LOG(INFO) << "minor_version: " << sparse_header->minor_version; LOG(INFO) << "file_hdr_sz: " << sparse_header->file_hdr_sz; LOG(INFO) << "chunk_hdr_sz: " << sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz; LOG(INFO) << "blk_sz: " << sparse_header->blk_sz; LOG(INFO) << "total_blks: " << sparse_header->total_blks; LOG(INFO) << "total_chunks: " << sparse_header->total_chunks; LOG(INFO) << "Flashing Sparse Image"; blk = 0;for (chunk = 0; chunk < sparse_header->total_chunks; chunk++) {/* Read and skip over chunk header */ chunk_header = (chunk_header_t *)data; data += sizeof(chunk_header_t);if (chunk_header->chunk_type != CHUNK_TYPE_RAW) { LOG(INFO) << "=== Chunk Header ==="; LOG(INFO) << "chunk_type: " << chunk_header->chunk_type; LOG(INFO) << "chunk_sz: " << chunk_header->chunk_sz; LOG(INFO) << "total_sz: " << chunk_header->total_sz; }if (sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz > sizeof(chunk_header_t)) {/* * Skip the remaining bytes in a header that is longer * than we expected. */ data += (sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz -sizeof(chunk_header_t)); } chunk_data_sz = sparse_header->blk_sz * chunk_header->chunk_sz; blkcnt = chunk_data_sz / block_size;switch (chunk_header->chunk_type) {case CHUNK_TYPE_RAW:if (chunk_header->total_sz != (sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz + chunk_data_sz)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Bogus chunk size for chunk type Raw";return -1; }if (blk + blkcnt > 0 + block_count) { LOG(ERROR) << "Request would exceed partition size!";return -1; } addr_offset = blk * block_size; ret = lseek64(fd, offset_ + addr_offset, SEEK_SET);if (ret < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to seek file to " << addr_offset << " error=" << strerror(errno);return -1; } written = write(fd, data, blkcnt * block_size);if (written < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "SparseWriter: failed to write data of len ";return -1; } total_bytes = total_bytes + blkcnt * block_size; blks = written / block_size; blk += blks; bytes_written += blkcnt * block_size; total_blocks += chunk_header->chunk_sz; data += chunk_data_sz;break;case CHUNK_TYPE_FILL:if (chunk_header->total_sz != (sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz + sizeof(uint32_t))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Bogus chunk size for chunk type FILL total_sz err " << chunk_header->total_sz << "\n";return -1; } ret = posix_memalign (&membuf, 64, ROUNDUP( block_size * fill_buf_num_blks,64));if (ret) { LOG(ERROR) << "posix_memalign:" << strerror (errno);return -1; } fill_buf = (uint32_t *)membuf;if (!fill_buf) { LOG(ERROR) << "Malloc failed for: CHUNK_TYPE_FILL";return -1; } fill_val = *(uint32_t *)data; data = data + sizeof(uint32_t);for (i = 0; i < (block_size * fill_buf_num_blks /sizeof(fill_val)); i++) fill_buf = fill_val;if (blk + blkcnt > 0 + block_count) { LOG(ERROR) << "Request would exceed partition size!";return -1; }for (i = 0; i < blkcnt;) { j = blkcnt - i;if (j > fill_buf_num_blks) j = fill_buf_num_blks; addr_offset = blk * block_size; ret = lseek64(fd, offset_ + addr_offset, SEEK_SET);if (ret < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "failed to lseek file to " << addr_offset << " error=" << strerror(errno);return -1; } written = write(fd, fill_buf, j * block_size);if (written < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "SparseWriter: failed to write data of len ";return -1; } total_bytes = total_bytes + j * block_size; blks = written / block_size;if (blks < j) { LOG(ERROR) << "Write failed, block";free(fill_buf);return -1; } blk += blks; i += j; } bytes_written += blkcnt * block_size; total_blocks += chunk_data_sz / sparse_header->blk_sz;free(fill_buf);break;case CHUNK_TYPE_DONT_CARE: blk += blkcnt; total_blocks += chunk_header->chunk_sz;break;case CHUNK_TYPE_CRC32:if (chunk_header->total_sz != sparse_header->chunk_hdr_sz) { LOG(ERROR) << "Bogus chunk size for chunk type CRC32 total_sz err " << chunk_header->total_sz;return -1; } total_blocks += chunk_header->chunk_sz; data += chunk_data_sz;break;default: LOG(INFO) << __func__ << ": Unknown chunk type: " << chunk_header->chunk_type;return -1; } } LOG(INFO) << "Wrote "<< chunk <<"blocks, expected to write " << sparse_header->total_blks << "blocks\n"; LOG(INFO) << "........ wrote "<< bytes_written <<"bytes to " << partitionName << "\n"; LOG(INFO) << "total_bytes=" << total_bytes;return 0;}